
Whether it's the bride's bouquet, the mother's flowers, or lining the isle's with a cornucopia of arrangements, the North State Bridal Guide has the best collection of wedding florists in Redding, Anderson, Chico, and Shasta City.


Wedding Flowers

Your dress is important, but your flowers are the finishing touch as you come down the aisle. They often give a great sweep of color, look beautiful in photos, and can often tie in with the color of your bridesmaids' dresses. Connect with our recommendations below for great service in Redding and nearby areas.

Anderson Florist
Mallery's Flowers & Gifts
Marshall's Florist and Fine Gifts
Redding Florist
Velours Designs
Westside Florist

Are you a North State florist and not listed here? Click here to advertise with us! We'd love to help get your services in the hands of our brides.